@THEChrisKessell what's next?— Derek (@Derek525) December 14, 2016
What do we do next? About a year and a half ago I wrote an article about the massive growth of the #ProRelForUSA reform movement. Today you can find dozens of people with the hashtag in their social media bios, Instagram accounts dedicated to the movement, Facebook groups, Supporter Group Coalitions, and anything else you can think of trying to move us forward as a soccer nation. This has all happened since I wrote that article...
Today I saw two very interesting pieces of Twitter analytics comparing #MLS vs #ProRelForUSA.

As we can see very easily the #ProRelForUSA conversation is reaching quite the audience. One that is not very far behind the #MLS conversation. Over 1.4m impressions and a reach over over 500k people.
Now lets amplify that ...
That is the next step. Every time you see somebody speak up in support of an Open Pyramid, USSF reform, promotion and relegation, ending the Conflicts of Interest at USSF, single entity structure of MLS... anything tied to the #ProRelForUSA movement.
1. Tell them thank you for speaking up.
2. Ask them to continue to speak up.
3. Invite them to use the #ProRelForUSA hashtag
4. Point them in the direction of helpful articles, blogposts, and infographics to support their ideas.
5. Ask them to share them.
This is how we continue to grow the discussion online is a civil manner and put pressure on USSF and the powers that be in American soccer to change.
As the Deloitte study pointed out via the first released polling data on the subject, 88% of US soccer fans would like to see an Open Pyramid. We don't need to worry about convincing the 12% who oppose it to change their mind. THEY are the small super vocal minority of fans... we are the super majority.
Now lets ALL speak up!
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