Monday, May 18, 2020

How does #ProRelForUSA affect the Pay to Play issue in the US?

Quite often you see individuals who can't really see the connection of how the system has created the pay to play issue that we all know exists in the United States in soccer... they also can't see how instituting an open pyramid would address this issue and the lack of scouting that many communities face as well.

I put up a little scenario on Twitter a few days ago that I think we would see play out in almost every community in the United States in a relatively short time.

Changing the incentives that clubs have when it comes to player development and scouting is badly needed. This is something that I think we can all agree on. It isn't revolutionary to think that we need this change...

Creating an Open Pyramid that features #ProRelForUSA immediately allows for this change to happen in every single community in the United States. That is the fix that we need... massive structural change that rewards those who are good at their jobs.

Having a couple free tournaments for only the kids who can participate in the pay to play system that MLS scouts...

That is a mini-band aid on a gunshot wound.

Keep fighting for change! 

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